When you walk through the front door to our house, directly in front of you on the left is a long, old table. Under the table is the cave where shoes and reusable grocery bags live. On top of it, you'll find a random assortment of objects waiting to be returned to their proper homes or things on their way into or out of our house. It is where keys live, it is where my cover for work sits when I'm home, it's where library books await return, and where bills and junk mail go to die.
This table also features The Stack (also refered to as "The Pile"). It is a tall, teetering tower of reading material that was either started and abandoned or is waiting it's turn. The Stack is my version of a To-Read list. It's not all inclusive, but I don't think I could ever come up with an all inclusive list in any format. Right now, The Stack includes a couple issues each of Urban Farm magazine, Working Mother magazine, Natural Living magazine, Parents magazine, The New York State Bar Association Journal, The American Bar Association Journal, The Animal Advocate, UU World, and probably a couple other random magazines I've picked up here and there. And there are books. A bunch of them. A couple of them are MacGyver's, but most of them are mine, and honestly, I can't even remember what they all are right now. I know there are a couple Janet Evonovich novels for when I need something light. I know there are a couple of Ecologically minded books I've recently acquired in there. I'm pretty sure there is also a smattering of other novels that looked good and made it onto the pile.
But I've barely touched it the last couple weeks. The Stack has grown and grown, and it had begun to taunt me. To tease me and torture me with good things waiting to be discovered. "Touch, explore, READ ME," it beckoned every time I walked by.
But we were SO busy, and there just. wasn't. time.
Isn't that always the case? I mean, when IS there ever time for reading for pleasure in the life of a working mom? On the commute? Nope, I don't live where there are trains anymore, and sadly, I can't read and drive. In the tub? HA! I can't even remember the last time I had time for a relaxing bath (meaning one where no one - Flinstone or MacGvyer - ended up in the tub with me). Before bed? To be quite frank, I usually do other things for pleasure at that time - or a pass the frig out as soon as I come within 2 feet of the bed.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not in some sort of black whole of reading. I actually read a TON. I read for work all day long. Of course, given the choice the stuff I read for work wouldn't be at the top of the list - or even on it. I catch random articles here and there through news feeds. I read blogs when I've decided I've earned a break during work. It's just the books and magazines in The Stack (and on my Nook, and scattered randomly throughout every. room. of. the. house.) that were getting to me. I mean, even just a few weeks ago I was reading more. I read Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (which was AWESOME, by the way, highly recommend). I used to make it through at least one magazine a week, dragging them along in the diaper bag or keeping them tucked underneath my placemat at the dinner table (not that I would ever read during dinner - that would be a big no-no, but in the morning while I drink my tea, etc).
But the last couple weeks I've just been go-go-going every moment before work, at work, and the second I walk through the door. It's probably Fall. I've been super motivated to get things done lately and have about 600 projects in mind, but just keeping up on the housework is enough to keep me from ever picking up a book.
Actually, lately, I've been the only one in our family not reading. I mean, we are all readers, but usually I'm way out front reading 2 books and 3 magazines at once, leaving a trail of devoured items in my wake. But right now MacGvyer is reading Ender's Game in addition to his usual diet of Popular Science, Urban Farm, Popular Mechanics, and Handyman. We're reading Punky Wellspring of Magic at bedtime, and she has to read 20 minutes every evening for school PLUS 5 books/chapters of books for every half hour she wants of mindless screen time (TV or computer/DS games). Even Flintstone can often be seen toting one of a dozen Dr. Seuss board books around the house at any given moment, though his idea of devouring a book is a little more literal at this point. He's finally liking to actually sit and have [short] stories read to him, and we read him Time to Sleep, my Love at bedtime.
EVEN BOO - who reads approximately one book every 2 or 3 years - read about 5 books while he was here.
So I really need to step up my game. I started Pride and Prejudice on my Nook a while back; I'm going to work on finishing that off. I've finally broken into The Stack again and pulled out an issue of Working Mother and an issue of Urban Farm. I'm taking back my morning tea time - it's only 10 minutes, usually, but it is 10 minutes of complete quiet when I can just sit and drink tea and read.
That is, unless Flintstone continues on with his new plan to get up when I get up every morning . . . ;-)
What are YOU reading right now?
When do you find time to read?
What are you reading as a family?
What are your kids reading?